Daily Lives

Sarah's apprenticeship
In 1841 Sarah was living at Welcombe Farm in Cheriton Fitzpaine. She was noted as being an apprentice. According to the Family Search Wiki, only 3% of apprentices were girls. These apparently were more likely to be dressmakers, although dairymaids could be apprenticed as well. Considering that Sarah was described in the 1851 census as a dressmaker, it seems likely that she was apprenticed as a dressmaker.  Apprenticeships lasted seven years, so she would have spent many years at the farm--unless she was there as a guest or visitor. I wonder why she would be apprenticed to a farmer?

As a followup to this, I discovered at the Devon Records Office that many children between 9 and 15 were apprenticed to farmers, as a form of education. The girls would be apprenticed to learn housewifery; presumably that would include everything from making butter, to keeping the fire going, and even sewing. Apprenticeships might cost ten pounds (paid by the parents) and could last from 4 to 7 years.